Israel Defeats The Southern Alliance

Date: PM
Text: Joshua 10:3-27
Psalters: 50, 91, 403, 86
  • Joshua 10: 3-27


    I. The Occasion

    A. The southern city nations of Canaan greatly feared.

    B. These five kings come on Gibeon when they thought Israel was occupied with a northwestern federation (9:5).

    C.How did the Gibeonites react to being surrounded by the armies of the five kings?

    II. Joshua and Israel promptly responded with readiness.

    A. One, they honored the league made with all the men of war marching all night to Gibeon (7,9).

    B. Jehovah responded to Joshua’s prayer (?) and his honoring of their oaths to Gibeon (8).

    C.God used Israel’s surprise attack early in the morning to “discomfit.”

    1. The whole army of Israel marched all night essentially uphill to come upon the armies surrounding Gibeon.

    2. Israel’s attack surprised them, threw them into instant confusion: make a noise, trouble, vex, crush, destroy.

    D. Our God is the Author of miracles, for He is infinite in might and wisdom, able to do above all we ask for think.

    1. First, God used heaven’s artillery: hailstones (11), which killed more than Israel did.

    2. Second, God heard Joshua’s plea to extend daylight: the sun and moon stood still (12-14).

    III. Divine judgments

    A. These unusual displays of God’s power were His judgments on those who filled the cup of iniquity (20,40).

    1. The conquering of the five kings.

    2. There was utter destruction, “destroyed all that breathed as Jehovah God of Israel had commanded” (40) in the south.

    B. No Israelite died, but all returned (15, 21a,43).

    1. And they did so “in peace” (21a), enjoying communion with God in Christ when God grants them success.

    2. “Fear not, be strong and of good courage” (24,25), and trust that He is able to do to our enemies what He did to Israel’s.