The Blessing Of Jehovah

Date: PM
Text: Numbers 6:24-26
Psalters: 71, 65, 88, 309
Series: Numbers
Applicatory to the Lord's Supper
  1. The source.
    1. God directs Aaron (and all High Priests after him) to bless publicly the people of Israel.
      1. He was to stand on a high spot, lift up his hands, raise his voice, and pronounce God’s favor.
      2. The recipients are to receive this blessing by conscious faith.
    2. “Jehovah” is the source of the blessing.
      1. This name indicates that God gives to Israel the blessing of the fulness of His divine Being.
      2. The name is repeated so we focus on Him (away from ourselves and circumstances).
  2. The blessing is more richly defined as one of favor.
    1. First, “bless” means to speak well or good things, and then to cause to prosper.
    2. God’s good favor to us is described as God “make His face shine” and to “lift up His countenance.”
      1. The “face” and “countenance” (same word) refers to how one looks at another.
      2. “Shine” is a figure of speech referring to a most highly positive attitude, as the shining of the sun.
      3. The latter expression is used to indicate that God remembers His people, does not forget them.
  3. The positive fruit of God’s favorable attitude toward us.
    1. “Be gracious” is God’s favorable attitude freely given, and it is also His power to save His people.
    2. “Keep” refers to the preservation of us as God’s people (as the result of God’s blessing us).
    3. “And give thee peace.”
    4. The result of God’s blessing is that God’s people have the name of “Jehovah” on them (27; cf. Deut. 28:10; II Chron. 7:14).
      1. The ceremony of the priest’s blessing the people is not empty and useless.
      2. The ceremony declares the reality of the relationship: God’s people have God’s name; He identifies Himself with them.
    5. May the hearing of this blessing be incentive to seek His face of love looking at us - which is to have fear of God.