Work: A Divine Command

Date: PM
Text: Exodus 20:9
Psalters: 279, 247, 108, 38
Series: Work
  1. The fourth commandment.
    1. The law, in general, reveals God and His character.
    2. The fourth commandment specifically addresses man’s duty to work from three angles.
      1. It shows that a way to keep the Sabbath is by working the other six.
      2. Further, God spoke specifically to the other six days and did so in the form of a command: “shalt thou labor.”
      3. The reason given in the fourth for keeping the Sabbath holy speaks to the six days of work.
  2. This identifies the attitude of those who “would not” (unwilling) work on the six days as a violation of God’s law.
    1. As with all other violations of God’s law, this is rooted in the ugliness of the natural hatred of man’s heart.
    2. Thus the church is called to deal with those who perpetually violate this command to work.
      1. Notice how the language of II Thess. 3 concerning one who refuses to work parallels that of I Cor. 5.
      2. We must not provide for one who declines to work.
    3. This sin shows our need for Jesus Christ.
  3. The applications when we take this Word of God seriously.
    1. There may be no freeloaders in the Christian household.
    2. My problems are because I am not obeying God’s will, including His will concerning work.
    3. Consider the opportunity we have to give witness to God’s grace in our lives by the way we work (Phil. 2:14,15).