Prayer’s Confident Conclusion

Date: AM
Text: I Chronicles 29; Lord's Day 52
Psalters: 177, 232, 373, 433
  1. Found in the doxology.
    1. All solid confidence that God will answer this prayer arises from what we know about God.
      1. First, the “kingdom” belongs to our Father (the address). This means that Father is King, that He has authority over all.
      2. And His is the “power,” i.e., the ability to implement His authority and enforce His will.
      3. Finally, the “glory” is our Father’s.
    2. This doxology is the basis for the six petitions we brought to God: “for.”
      1. “Thine” shows the connection between this concluding doxology and the address.
      2. This doxology gives the reason we are so confident of an answer.
      3. What we ask for is because God’s is the kingdom, power, and glory.
  2. Our confidence in praying this prayer (and all our prayers) is also expressed with “Amen.”
    1. This is a transliterated Hebrew word into Greek and then into English which means, “certain” or “true” (not “I agree”).
    2. By ending our prayers with this word, we are expressing our solemn promise to God that we prayed sincerely, not hypocritically nor insincerely.
    3. Further, “amen” is our expressing the assurance that in spite of the fact that our desire is weak, we know our Father will hear and answer. We know that our prayer is more assuredly heard by God than what we feel this desire in us.
      1. That is because God finds the reason to answer in Himself, in His unbreakable promises.
      2. Our Father, Who is so able and so willing, will not put to shame those who wait on Him (Psalm 25:3).