Prayer: Grateful Necessity

Date: AM
Text: Ezekiel 26; Lord's Day 45
Psalters: 173, 110, 185, 233
  1. The idea.
    1. Because the covenant is relationship of friendship, prayer is our side in that holy conversation with the covenant God.
    2. Prayer is the primary way to thank God.
    3. Prayer is the means God wants us to use to receive grace and the Holy Spirit.
  2. How we pray is determined by the One to Whom we pray.
    1. Introduction: prayer is an holy art.
    2. Prayer must be sincere – not mere formality nor seeking the approval of men.
    3. Prayer must be in truth, i.e., as instructed in God=s Word and to God as He has revealed Himself.
    4. Pray with humility (no self-righteousness or pride - Pharisee & publican, Luke 18:9-14).
    5. Prayer must be grounded on the merit and worthiness of Jesus Christ, the only Mediator.
    6. Prayer is to be without ceasing, so it expresses the attitude of our life, consciously living as God wants.
  3. Pray for all the things He has commanded us to ask of Him.
    1. While prayer does not change God, it does show that we know He wills us to ask “according to His will” (I John 5:14).
      1. He wills that His children and wife live conscious of His relationship to them, and theirs to Him.
      2. According to His will means that we may not ask for what we want, but He commands us to ask for.
    2. Primarily for spiritual needs: His grace and Spirit.
    3. Live more and more in the attitude of prayer.
    4. And be assured that your Father hears and answers your prayers before you finish (Isa. 65:24).