Time to Feast, Not Fast

Date: PM
Text: Luke 5:33-39
Psalters: 241, 29, 5, 263
  1. The issue.
    1. Fasting is an expression of humiliation because of: sin, defeat, bereavement, etc.
      1. The ceremonial law commanded fasting once a year on the day of atonement (Lev. 16:29-34; 23:26-32)
      2. True fasting is voluntary and spontaneous, not a means to an end and certainly not an end in itself.
    2. John’s disciples fasted.
    3. There really was no justification for the Pharisees’ question (33), for they should have known the law.
  2. Jesus explains that with His being with His disciples is a reason to feast, not fast.
    1. Jesus takes the frequently used comparison of His blessed presence being like to a wedding-feast.
    2. As in a wedding so when Jesus is with His disciples there should be joy.
    3. Jesus does say that there will be a time for His disciples to fast and mourn, namely, when the bridegroom is taken away (35).
    4. The proper attitude for those who are children of the bride-chamber is one of gladness, not sadness.
  3. Jesus uses two parables to demonstrate the folly of inappropriately fasting when you should be feasting
    1. The ideas of the figures of speech.
      1. Cloth made from animal hair, cotton, linen or hemp shrinks.
      2. And old stretched out wineskins will burst as the new wine ferments, resulting in the loss of both the wine and the skins.
    2. It would be that inappropriate for Jesus’ disciples to fast and mourn while He is with them.
    3. Therefore rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.