The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Date: PM
Text: Luke 5:1-11
Psalters: 174, 299, 355, 386
  1. The miracle.
    1. After teaching the people Jesus told Peter to launch out and let down the nets (4).
    2. How did so many fish get into the net?
    3. Peter (and the others with him) were astonished/overwhelmed and see themselves in the presence of God (8).
      1. Peter saw himself as an impure sinner, corrupt in the core of his nature – the fear of the Lord.
      2. Peter is shown his inability to be successful at fishing or fishing for men, but God is able to do exceeding abundantly.
  2. This miracle demonstrates the spiritual reality that Jesus draws men into His kingdom via the disciples.
    1. The meaning of parts of the parable.
    2.  Jesus’ response to Peter’s fear is that He will make them fishers of men (10b).
      1. Our great Savior is also full of compassion and tender love, so He does not leave us, but instead calls us to follow Him.
      2. Faith turns terror into sorrow for sin which also sees God’s abounding grace.
  3. The purpose: the miracle illustrates Jesus’ almighty power to draw a great multitude into the net of His kingdom.
    1. The important background is the hopelessness of man’s endeavors to gather.
    2. We must remember that every faithful effort to cast the net must be accompanied with prayer to Him Who alone is able.
      1. The Master issues a command, “Go,” “Launch,” “Let down your net.”
      2. We obey being aware that the Lord draws out positive responses of faith, even as He drew the fish into the net.
      3. Though Jesus makes some fishers of men, He remains the Great Fisher of men.
      4. Therefore, the glory is His and His alone. Our is always the obligation to give thanks.